This is our call to the whole world

Police violence that began at Taksim Gezi Park on the morning of the 14th day continues as of midnight.

After the failure of the inept play of provocation staged in the morning by the police, the gas-bomb attack that the police continues as of now has led to hundreds of injuries -including many head traumas. All the animals and birds around Taksim Square are dying because of intense gas.

Our people, our children in Taksim Square and Gezi Park continue their resistance, risking their lives to protect their dignity.

We invite the whole world to show their reaction to stop the police violence carried out by the direct order of the government, and to support our people.


In German

Wir appellieren an die gesamte Weltbevölkerung; 

Die polizeiliche GEWALT an die friedlichen Protestanten des Taksim Gezi Park Wiederstands in der Türkei, die am Morgen des 14. Tages stattgefunden hat, führt sich gegen die Nachtstunden in erheblichen Maßen weiter. 

In den Morgenstunden fand ein amateurisch und schlecht verfasstes Szenario der Polizei statt, mit Hilfe einer billigen Versuchung der Provokation, der sichtlich gescheitert ist und zu Angriffen mit Gasbomben und Wasserwerfern führte, gibt es in dessen Folge hunderte von Verletzungen. Unter diesen Verletzten, gibt es zahlreiche Menschen mit Hirnerschütterung! Aufgrund der hohen Verbreitung von Tränengas in der Luft, sterben zahlreiche Tiere und Vögel in der Umgebung ab.

Unsere Menschen, unsere Kinder auf dem Taksim Platz und dem Gezi Park führen trotz der gewaltreichen Angriffe weiterhin ihren Widerstand und riskieren ihr Leben im Namen der Verteidigung deren Ehre und Freiheit. 

Wir laden die ganze Welt dazu ein, ihre Reaktion gegen die Gewalt der Polizei zu zeigen, der eigens von der Regierung erteilt wurde und sie dazu aufzufordern, diese Gewalt zu beenden.

Taksim Dayanışması/Taksim Solidarität

Disclaimer and Disclosure to the Statement of Deputy PM Bülent Arınç

Disclaimer and Disclosure to the Statement of Deputy PM Bülent Arınç:
After the meeting of the Council of Ministers on June 10th, the Government Spokesperson and the Vice Prime Minister Bülent Arınç stated that “There will be a meeting with a committee”. We hereby inform the public that the explanation given by the Bülent Arınç has nothing to do with the Solidarity and there is no demand by the Taksim Solidarity for a “meeting” with the council.

11 June 2013 Press Release

On the 14th day of the Gezi Park protests, resisters are responded once again with riot control vehicles and tear gas!

The only difference between the police raid which happened 10 days ago at 5 am and today’s raid is the timing. Today, the police intervention started at 7 am in Taksim for a change; however, there are already tens of injured people and a police blockage causing public worry.

One can speak neither of democracy nor of dialogue when there is a blockage.There is not a single response to the demands of Taksim Solidarity, which are the shared wishes of the citizens; however, they hope that dividing the park-savers and the marginal
groups among those, who stand shoulder to shoulder for any kind of solidarity in Gezi Park, would help. Nobody should think that such a division among people who protect their park and living space would be helpful. We are going to stay together, and build our legitimate and righteous demands with solidarity.

As TAKSIM SOLIDARITY, we represent the feelings and the demands of millions of citizens who have been struggling to create public awareness against the project that would concretize Gezi Park, who lied in front of engineering vehicles to stop them, who were exposed to excessive police violence, who regarded the police violence against those who supported the park day and night and their living spaces as if it was against their own; and we announce once again that we will never let anybody scandalise our struggle in one way or another!

As it is kept abreast by the public, the committee of Taksim Solidarity has held a meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç and submitted their demands to the government in this meeting. Although no account has been given considering these demands by the government, attempting to hold a meeting with another committee, the formation of which is unclear to the public, is not an effort to create a sincere process of dialogue but an effort towards misguiding the public and towards weakening the roots of the righteous and legitimate demands of millions of people from all over the country. Today’s police intervention is a proof of government’s intention and attitude towards its own people.

Demands are clear. The addressee is obvious: Taksim Solidarity.

AKP government tries to create a polarization among public by holding alternative meetings, threatens its own citizens and rejects the demands of hundreds of thousands of people who in 77 cities of the country, primarily in Kızılay (Ankara), cries out their wishes in the streets, people who dance, sing and read poems to express their demands in Gezi Park and in squares; people among whom are women, children, LGBT’s, workers, religious people and non-believers.

We are worried about this government. We want to announce to the public that they, who have no legitimate policy except building concrete barracks against a park, except police violence and alternative meetings against demand for peace in the society, do nothing but a sin.

We want to repeat once again: stop using police violence against people who protect their living space and the park. Release those who are under custody. Relieve those who are responsible for two-week long police violence of duty; announce that our first and foremost demand will be realised, and announce officially that NOT A SINGLE SQUAREMETRE OF GEZI PARK WILL BECOME CONCRETE AND GEZI PARK WILL REMAIN AS A PARK!

The legitimacy of our demands cannot be denied either by the bill of human rights, or by universal law; these demands are supported all over the country and the world; and we insist on guarding our demands! We will be here until a concrete step is taken to realise the demands of the young people who protect Taksim and Gezi Park, of the women who gather in squares, of those who watched the Park day and night without sleeping or who supported the protesters with their heart at their homes, in other words, to meet the demands of the people and bring peace among the citizens.

We will be protecting our park and our squares with a great solidarity with our citizens until our demands are taken seriously and a concrete step is taken.

We are waiting for all those who protect Gezi at 19.00 in Taksim.

We are here, we are going nowhere.


Taksim Solidarity Press Release, June 8

To the Government and the Citizens of Turkey

The resistance, which started in May 27 in Taksim, İstanbul and in several cities all around Turkey against Taksim Gezi Park’s demolition has reached its eleventh day.

During these eleven days, we, as Taksim Solidarity, have been raising our demands in every sphere. We share with the suffering of the families of the deceased Abdullah Cömert, Mehmet Ayvalıtaş and Mustafa Sarı, and we wish for the recovery of thousands of blessed.

On the 5th of June, we conveyed the demands of Taksim Solidarity and of the people in the square. Since then, neither our demands have been met, nor an action has been taken. The police violence continues in several cities of Turkey.

Following the meeting held between the Government and Taksim Solidarity June 5, there haven’t been any requests for meeting the solidarity. We call the government to act responsibly, hear our demands and take serious steps in order to actualize the demands.

The demands of the solidarity are crystal clear; however we want to state them once again:

• Taksim Gezi Park will not be re-developed under the name of Artillery Barracks or any other project; an official statement on the cancellation of the current project is made; the attempts to demolish Ataturk Cultural Centre stop,

• Every responsible agent for the thousands of injured people and two deaths, starting with the Governors and the Police Chiefs of Istanbul, Ankara and Hatay and everyone who prevented the use of the most basic democratic rights of the people; who gave orders for violent repression, enforced or implemented these orders are dismissed from their posts,

• The use of tear gas bombs and other similar materials is prohibited,

• Detained citizens who attended  the resistance across the country are immediately released and an official statement which declares that there will not be any investigation about them,

• Starting with Taksim and Kizilay squares, all the meeting and demonstration bans effecting all of our squares and public areas and all the de facto blockings are abolished and stopped and barriers to freedom of expression are removed.

The addressee of the government is certain. The demans are obvious. We call government to take account into social reactions, act responsibly and fulfill the requirements of the demands which are being expressed by millions of people everyday.

We expect all of our citizens who are claiming their rights to their city to their Gezi Park and to all their demands, to our rally which will be held June, 9 16.00 PM at Taksim Square. We will be here until our demands are met.

Taksim Solidarity

URGENT! Taksim Solidarity Call for Press Meeting

In the 11th day of Taksim Gezi Park Resistance, a press meeting will be held today at 16:30 before the demonstration tomorrow in Sunday, June 9.

We invite you all to the press meeting, during which the demands and the current situation will be stated by the speakers of Taksim Solidarity which will take place today at 16:30 in the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects .

Location: Makine Mühendisleri Odası, İstiklal Caddesi, İpek Sokak, No:9

Time: 8 June 2013, Saturday, 16.30

We won’t allow Racism, Misogyny and Homophobia in our Resistance

We won’t allow Racism, Misogyny and Homophobia in our Resistance

Taksim Square has been emancipated with the will of the people.

Taksim Square no longer is a hell where the arbitral prohibitions harass the public; where people are deprived from the right to assemble and from their freedom of speech.

Taksim Square is now the square where any voice –except anyone justifying any crime against humanity – can speak freely and be heard.

That is why Taksim Square is the square of freedom and comradery.

Except any crime against humanity, there is no restriction to any thought or perspective; prohibitions are even unimaginable!

In Taksim Square the prohibitive and oppressive policies of the state have been defeated.

We shall not restrict neither or own words or the words of others. 

We want to believe and confide in that every resister in Taksim Square acts with this awareness.

As the every subject of the resistance we declare that: “another life is possible”.  We have to treasure Taksim resistance, as it is a model of our hope. We have to elevate it with solidarity.

In this very square where wee seek freedom, we condemn racist, misogynist and homophobic slogans and swearwords.

The abuses, curses and reactions against women are indicative of the patriarchal perception of the honor. Accordingly, the same rage against the veiled women cannot be a part of our resistance!

Taksim is all ours!

As the comradeship requires, we have to defend the righteous co-existence of our differences.

Every being filled with hope turned their gazes at Taksim Square, we should not forget that and resist in solidarity stubbornly.